François Guénet

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After studying between Paris and London, notably at the Royal College of Art, François Guénet travelled alone at a very young age, and began photojournalism at the age of 20 during the battle of the big hotels in Beirut, then left by car for 14 months on "The Road" from Paris to Kathmandu.

From then on, he travelled the world in his quest for the Other and Elsewhere for magazines such as Géo, Paris-Match and Figaro Magazine, for which he interviewed some thirty heads of state. As a specialist in reports on Art and Civilizations, he became Jean Nouvel's collaborator to elaborate the museographic proposal and the scenography of the Musée du Quai Branly.

Today he divides his time between photojournalism, visual storytelling and corporate work, and is working on the development of his photo archives.


Print on order, gallery quality,
on 230g fine art paper


FSC et certified paper
and solvent-free pigment inks

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